CCWF’S Top Valentine’s Day Gifts

“Quality time, a meal, and a deep belly laugh,” said Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) resident G. “Chase” Ward.
While it seems like a simple request for a gift, fulfilling it in prison makes this ask a whole lot harder.
Believe it or not, the big rush for gifts usually starts early in November. No, no, not Christmas gifts – Valentine’s Day gifts. Yes, three months may seem like extreme prep time for a Valentine’s Day present but Valentine’s Day can be an even bigger deal here in CCWF because there are no sales or special offers just for the day. You can’t plan a surprise getaway or book a private dinner like you can on the outside.
Aside from monthly canteen items and quarterly packages, everyone has access to the same old items as everyone else; yet each gift has to be original, and personal and adorable and special and surprising and memorable and full of love and — for all intents and purposes — it has to be legal. This is where the gift ideas require a more creative and lengthier search.
“We start at least a month ahead,” said Heather Brown, referring to her Valentine’s Day preparations. “We have to decide on what we want to eat and get for each other.”
“I do all the cooking because that’s me,” Brown added.
Gifts like these represent the symbol of your special love — whether it be for a romantic partner, best friend, “mom” or “dad,” or something to send home to loved ones.
The biggest demand for Valentine’s Day gifts tends to be for items that no one else has, items that speak to one’s love language, items that mirror the latest fashion and viral trends, and occasionally items that are not regularly allowed, but have a special exception, such as things purchased at a fundraising sale.
Then there are the items that include all of those characteristics, and more to make them “extra.” Finding one of the many incredibly artistic and talented women who have a flair for gift design is always a plus. I have seen designs and gifts that outdo what I’ve seen on T.V. commercials.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to list them all because the range of answers is so vast. I have found that many of us desire things that bring us a sense of normalcy — things that are often taken for granted or overlooked in society. The simplest items become sentimental and acquire great value here, while perhaps not so much out there. This is a very large part of why items that are rare, personalized, and original are in high demand. Bragging rights don’t hurt either. Over the years, through my own Valentine’s Day celebrations, helping others to plan and provide gifts, and when recently talking with people, I’ve found these to be the most popular:
Top six Valentine’s Day Gifts
1. Jewelry
The most popular pieces of jewelry go beyond the rings, necklaces, and earrings available in the vendor catalogs. There are personal jewelry items that have been left behind, which are items that cannot be ordered. Multi-gemstone cross pendants, colorful gemstone earrings, rings with several cubic zirconia as opposed to one and larger hoop earrings are all pieces of jewelry residents love to receive. Body piercings are regularly sought out as well. Anything that helps a woman feel special and unique is the goal.
2. Clothing
Custom-made items rule this category. Everything from hoodies and ball caps to bandanas, crocheted, and hand-sewn items. Make sure her feet stay warm and cozy in her new favorite fuzzy slippers. Don’t forget the old-school items too. Most times it’s simply asking what is available or can be made from one of the incredibly talented women known for their work. Word-of-mouth goes a long way.
3. Food
When someone, particularly your romantic partner, goes out of their way to make your one favorite food or plans an elaborate meal just for you, especially if it’s something that isn’t served here, that says love. One of the best answers about a lasting Valentine’s Day memory I heard was a romantic dinner, complete with everything you’d find in a nice restaurant at home: tablecloths, candles, roommates that leave you alone in the room, special food, and even rose petals on the table. Yep, fresh rose petals. She did that.
4. Sports Teams’ Items
What better way to show love than giving a gift that represents a favorite team? Think of the happiness of being able to sleep with a new sheet with your favorite team’s emblem all over it. The same can be said for sheets or towels with a favorite designer logo too — not just the main leagues or designers, but toy brands, cartoon characters, superheroes, anything personal. Keep in mind these things may be one-of-a-kind knock-offs, but sometimes that’s the point. When a roommate, friend, or even an officer comments positively on it, that’s a reminder of who gave it to you, why they did it, the lengths they went to for you to have it, and that it’s lit.
5. Accessories
Many residents choose to customize pre-made items such as purses, backpacks, and personal clothes or find those that are completely custom-designed. This could include cups and water bottles, or really anything that is in limited supply and outside the norm such as designer make-up and body lotions, hair clips, sunglasses, or shoes.
6. Gift Cards
Would you like to treat someone to a pedicure? You can. There are women who will create a “Gift Card” that can be given to that special someone to redeem for a number of different specialties: shoulder massages, manicures and pedicures, hair appointments, and even facials if they’re up for it.
Finding that perfect Valentine’s Day gift is an important accomplishment wherever you are. Being incarcerated puts greater value on the gifts that are unexpected and certainly those that are highly unusual. Shout out to the many creative and artistic women who share their ideas, time, and talents to help make celebrating and appreciating all the people we love, which includes ourselves, a possibility. Have a very Happy Valentine’s Day!